‘جمعية الأهل لدعم التوحد’ هي منظمة لبنانية غير حكومية،
غير سياسية، لا تبغى الربح
تأسست الجمعية سنة 2015
بموجب العلم والخبر رقم1946
من قبل أهل تطوعوا لتعزيز حياة الأسر التي
لديها توحد في لبنان
AAA is a Non-Governmental, Non-Political
& Non-profit Organization, registered in 2015
under official Decree No: 1946.
AAA was founded in 2015 by parents of children with autism,
who volunteered to advocate for their rights,
support their families,
ensure proper education
and improve their future in an inclusive environment.
Address on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/TmkwXEYwgFmWejsc6
AAA provides support and autism advocacy for persons with Autism in Lebanon, to guarantee their rights and ensure a better future for them.
هدف ‘جمعية الأهل لدعم التوحد’ هو تعزيز حياة العائلات التي لديها أولاد مصابين بالتوحد في لبنان
To provide proper education, promote more awareness in order to
AAA provides support and autism advocacy for persons with Autism in Lebanon, to guarantee their rights and ensure a better future for them.
هدف ‘جمعية الأهل لدعم التوحد’ هو تعزيز حياة العائلات التي لديها أولاد مصابين بالتوحد في لبنان
To provide proper education, promote more awareness in order to increase acceptance and inclusion in the community
نعمل على رفع التعليم والمناصرة والدعم:بزيادة التوعية والتشخيص المبكر والتعليم المناسب، لتعزيزتقبل وادماج المصابين بالتوحد في المجتمع.
Autism significantly affects verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction, it causes restricted repetitive behaviors, interests and activities that has an adversely impact on the child’s educational performance.
There’s actually a long list of expenses that come along with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in a child,
Autism significantly affects verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction, it causes restricted repetitive behaviors, interests and activities that has an adversely impact on the child’s educational performance.
There’s actually a long list of expenses that come along with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in a child, to be provided by the parents, as these children actually need appropriate education, special therapy sessions, in the absence of public services or funds.
We are all Different
We are all Equal
نحن جميعا مختلفون
نحن جميعا متساوون
Human Rights advocacy:
Individuals with autism are recognized as equal before and under the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law, including equal access to effective legal protection.
Our multi-disciplinary team will assess your child and create a customized educational plan that's right for him. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your child, so that he can improve as much as possible.
We strive to help your child improve the quality of his life, achieve better go
Our multi-disciplinary team will assess your child and create a customized educational plan that's right for him. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your child, so that he can improve as much as possible.
We strive to help your child improve the quality of his life, achieve better goals, to have a better future. Children at our center will benefit from an IEP Individualized Educational Program.
During the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, AAA was able to provide many services to parents and care-givers of persons with autism and special needs in Lebanon:
-ONLINE Trainings and guidance to around 500 parents and care-givers of persons with autism.
-Distributed 225 ID Cards for children with Autism and Special Needs, with valuable persona
During the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, AAA was able to provide many services to parents and care-givers of persons with autism and special needs in Lebanon:
-ONLINE Trainings and guidance to around 500 parents and care-givers of persons with autism.
-Distributed 225 ID Cards for children with Autism and Special Needs, with valuable personal and health information about the child's needs.
-100 PECS packages (Picture Exchange and Communication System) to teach and facilitate functional communication for non-verbal children.
Every person has the right to be accepted and to have social activities, each one depending on his skills and abilities.
APRIL is World Autism Awareness Month, AAA holds many activities and participates in interviews on local and international Media stations to promote better understanding, acceptance and inclusion of persons with autism.
AAA offers Free Trainings and Conferences on Autism challenges to parents of children with autism.
In addition to conferences and webinars about autism for university students.
"جمعية الأهل لدعم التوحّد" هي منظمة غير حكومية وغير سياسية ، لا تسعى للربح
بموجب العلم والخبر رقم 1946 تأسست الجمعيّة في لبنان سنة 2015 من قبل أهل تطوعوا لتعزيز حياة العائلات التي تعاني من التوحد في لبنان ومؤازرتهم و تأمين حياة أفضل لهم
دعم الأشخاص المصابين بالتوحّد مع عائلاتهم و دمجهم بالمجتمع
تنظيم حملات من أجل نشر التوعية عن التوحد
اقامة شبكة تواص بين الأهل و الاخصائيين في كل لبنان
or by Check in name of:
Autism Awareness Association AAA
or Transfer to our Bank Address:
BLOM Bank, Sin El Fil Branch
IBAN LB42 0014 0000 3202 3002 3000 2713 (USD)
IBAN LB07 0014 0000 3201 3002 3000 2714 (LBP)
"We count on the Valuable Time, Energy & Resources Each One of You Can offer,
to make a Difference in the Community"
Antelias Kassis Road Kassis Bldg +961-70-125407
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